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In this audio, you can listen a piece interpreted from the act "Viurem lliures o morirem" (we will live free or die) that is realized annually  at the canonical church to commemorate the facts of 1714

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The Canonical Sant Vicenç church has got very good acoustics compared to other churches, and it is a perfect place to play music from 1714. 

As F. Xavier Ventosa said, it is better to make the music for the play ‘Viurem lliures o Morirem’ in Sant Vicenç than in a recording studio, precisely because of its excellent resonance. However, depending on which music genres to play, the canonical church would not possibly be that suitable, as might be the case with modern music or compositions by a symphony orchestra. 

The instruments chosen to compose the piece of music were not used in the 18th century, even though some of them were invented at the time. When it came to composing the music, Xavier Ventosa was inspired by the plot of the play as well as by some recovered manuscripts from the period. 

As a conclusion, Sant Vicenç church offers splendid acoustics to perform music from the 18th century, the one used for ‘Viurem lliures o Morirem’. Other musical styles such as jazz, blues or classical music, however, would not fit in the same site so well. The reason is that the place has got too much resonance and the melodies from the above genres would not sound all right.


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